This is my programmatic note 12 on Ch. 04, p. 32, in "Ripples in Mathematics" by A. Jensen & A. la Cour-Harbo. These notes document my programmatic journey, sometimes easy, sometimes
painful but always joyful, through this great text. My notes
are for those who want to use Java as a programming
investigation tool of various wavelet algorithms and Octave to plot the
results. You can find my previous notes by searching my blog on "ripples
in mathematics." If you are on the same journey, let me know of any
bugs in my code or improvements you have found that let us get the
results in a better way.
In this note, I document my reconstruction of the multiresolution analysis in Fig. 4.11, p. 32 with CDF(4, 4), not CDF(2, 2), as done in the book. As stated in the text, Fig. 4. 11, p. 32, reconstructs from the transformed signal the sinusoid y = sin(4*pi*t), for t in [0, 1], sampled at 512 equidistant points. The value of the 200th sample is set to 2, and some random noise is added into the sample.
In this note, I document my reconstruction of the multiresolution analysis in Fig. 4.11, p. 32 with CDF(4, 4), not CDF(2, 2), as done in the book. As stated in the text, Fig. 4. 11, p. 32, reconstructs from the transformed signal the sinusoid y = sin(4*pi*t), for t in [0, 1], sampled at 512 equidistant points. The value of the 200th sample is set to 2, and some random noise is added into the sample.
Keeping Top N Coefficients
I implemented an auxiliary static method keepTopNPercentInRange() in The method applies takes a signal, a range specification (range_start and range_end), and a percent coefficient. The method keeps the top percent coefficients in [range_start, range_end] in the signal. Since the range boundaries are discretized, i.e., converted to integers, there is some loss of precision.
if ( percent < 0.0 || percent > 100.0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("percent < 0 or > 100");
if ( percent == 100.0 ) return; // no need to do anything
final int range_length = range_end - range_start + 1;
double[] sorted_range = new double[range_length];
// copy the signal segment into sorted_range
System.arraycopy(signal, range_start, sorted_range, 0, range_length);
Arrays.sort(sorted_range); // sort the range
final int percent_len = (int) (range_length * (percent/100.0));
// 100 - 90 = 10
final int sorted_range_min_index = Math.max(0, Math.min(range_length - percent_len, range_length - 1));
if ( sorted_range_min_index > range_length - 1 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Range cannot be discretized: "
+ range_start + ", " + range_end + ", " + percent);
final double sorted_range_min = Math.abs(sorted_range[sorted_range_min_index]);
// set all values in signal less than the abs(sorted_range_min) to 0.0
for(int i = range_start; i < range_end; i++) {
if ( Math.abs(signal[i]) < sorted_range_min ) {
signal[i] = 0.0;
The method fig_4_11_p32_top_n() below generates the signal in Fig. 4.7, p. 32 in the book with a spike at 200 and random noise. Then the signal is transformed by applying 3 scales of CD(4, 4) and keeping the top n percent of coefficients in each scale. This is how I interpreted the formulation of this problem on p. 31.
static void fig_4_11_p32_top_n(double percent) {
for(int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
sRange[i] = sRipples_F_p25.v(sDomain[i]);
sRange[200] = 2; // spike at 200
System.out.println("Signal with Noise:");
CDF44.orderedDWTForNumIters(sRange, 3, false);
keepTopNPercentInRange(sRange, D8_START_512, D8_END_512, percent);
keepTopNPercentInRange(sRange, D7_START_512, D7_END_512, percent);
keepTopNPercentInRange(sRange, D6_START_512, D6_END_512, percent);
keepTopNPercentInRange(sRange, S6_START_512, S6_END_512, percent);
System.out.println("Processed Signal with Noise:");
System.out.println("Inversed Signal with Noise:");
CDF44.orderedInverseDWTForNumIters(sRange, 3, false);
Graphing Signals Reconstructed from Transformed Signals with Top N% of Coefficients
The graphs below show the signals reconstructed from the transformed signal with top 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. coefficients. All graphs were done in Octave 4 by copying and pasting the coefficients from the Java console into graphing Octave scripts. Each graph is given below the call to the Java method that computes the reconstructed signal's samples.
static void fig_4_11_top_10_p32() { fig_4_11_p32_top_n(10.0); }
Figure 1. Signal reconstruction with top 10% coefficients |
static void fig_4_11_top_20_p32() { fig_4_11_p32_top_n(20.0); }
Figure 2. Signal reconstruction with top 20% coefficients |
static void fig_4_11_top_30_p32() { fig_4_11_p32_top_n(30.0); }
Figure 3. Signal reconstruction with top 30% coefficients |
static void fig_4_11_top_40_p32() { fig_4_11_p32_top_n(40.0); }
Figure 4. Signal reconstruction with top 40% coefficients |
static void fig_4_11_top_50_p32() { fig_4_11_p32_top_n(50.0); }
Figure 5. Signal reconstruction with top 50% coefficients |